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Al Cheeseman’s Masterclass

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It’s Al Cheeseman here. You have landed on this page because you want guidance and reassurance with your online venture am I right?

For years I struggled online WITHOUT a mentor. I spent days and days of my life searching the internet, trying to find help and just needed someone to show me what to do.

It took me about 1 year to make my first $100 online, a long time a know.

I went round and round the loop, failing miserably and back to the drawing board more times you can imagine. When I started to get my breakthroughs, the stars aligned!

I was making $100 a day, then $200 a day and now I have had $5000 days. It was a long journey, but boy was it worth it! I’m willing to give you all of my knowledge and guide you along your path to victory!

I reached top 1% vendor on Warriorplus, making over 8000 sales and 200k in revenue in just 5 months.

If you want access to a real 6 figure earner, who can help you make 5k a month by yourself, then pay attention to this page!


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I am a super affiliate and top vendor on a platform called Warriorplus. Which is a marketplace filled with high converting and great quality products. Just have a look at my stats in the picture so you can see for yourself!

This year I have done over $200k In sales and it’s only just hit April!

Now, I know what you’re thinking. It looks easy for me and believe me it is! But there was a lot of hard work involved, failures and life’s lessons which helped me to get where I am today. I want to give all of this to you so that I can guide you on your way to success.

Now, thats enough about me, let’s talk about you!


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You are probably either getting started, making campaigns and sales funnels or you have no experience at all. You might be doing well earning $1-5000 a month online and want to take this to the next level.

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Where ever you are at, I can help you out. I have over 6 years of constant 12 hour days experience in the online marketing world.

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I was a newbie once, so trust me I know how it feels. 

Late nights, feeling the pain of failure, your friends and family telling you to give up and that you are crazy and could never make an income online.

Thats exactly what happened to me, at some points I wanted to just give it all up and go back to my normal life of making 1k a month working as a delivery driver.

But, If i can tell you one thing, it’s to follow others who are already succeeding, watch what they do and NEVER give up! Sounds kind of simple… It is if you believe in yourself thats for sure.


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So, what can I do to make your journey just that little bit easier?

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What training and value can you provide me with in your masterclass?

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If you decide that you want a mentor and you want live daily training and resources which are not readily available to the public then you need to consider this.


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List of things I can help you with every day:

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And just about anything to do with internet marketing!

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BUT! There is a little something I need to know about you before you join me.

I really hate to stop anyone from joining me, but there are a few requirements you need to meet before joining…

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To join my Masterclass you must meet the criteria below. I am not discriminating against anybody, it would just be unfair on you for you to get in on this and not get value from it.

I have free training guides and video resources for complete beginners :).

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This is NOT a get rich quick scheme, to succeed in the affiliate marketing / online business you MUST understand it takes time and dedication to start seeing results. It does not happen overnight and there is no telling how long it will take you, but I can do everything in my power to help you reach your goals.


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So, whats it going to cost me Al?

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I could very easily slap a $10,000 high ticket on this. But I’m not going to do that because I understand that it’s a lot of money to invest in something you don’t know will benefit you or not.

So I’ve decided to bring the price right down to the Al Cheeseman Masterclass, which won’t burn a hole in your pocket!

So, If you are looking for someone to help you start getting those results you want at the fraction of the “Guru’s” price.

Then join me now and I will do my best to help you.


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$197 Per Month Subscription 

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Or 1 time payment of $997.

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Make sure you read the disclaimer underneath the buy button and by entering the masterclass you acknowledge what has been said.

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This website is not a part of the FaceBook website or FaceBook INC. Also this website is in no way endorsed by

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By entering using the Join The Masterclass button above, you agree with the terms below and have acknowledged the information below.

Income Disclaimer

This website and the products it sells contain marketing methods and business strategies and other business advice that, even though based on my own experience and results, they will not produce the same results (or any results) for you.  Al Cheeseman, the representatives, mentors & Socialpal Pro makes absolutely no guarantee, also expressed or implied, that by using the advice or content from this web site or the training provided by Al Cheeseman that you will make any money or improve any current profits, as there are lots of factors that come into play in any business.

Usually results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your control.

As with any business, you agree that you are completely responsibly for any expense that may occur and you are fully aware that it is your responsibility for any risk.

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By reading this website, following any advice or training by its representatives and information in the documents it offers, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given, with a full understanding that you are completely responsible for anything that might occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice.

You also by reading this and proceeding to join agree that our company or the representatives of this information cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your business as a result of the information provided by our us. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation of your business if you intend to apply any of our information in any way to your business operations.

In summary, you understand that we at Socialpal pro , Al Cheeseman and its representative mentors make absolutely no guarantees regarding income as a result of applying this information and as well as the fact that you are solely responsible for what happens if any action taken on your part as a result of any given information..

In addition, for all intents and purposes you agree that our content is to be considered “for entertainment purposes only”. Always seek the advice of a professional when making financial, tax or business decisions.

Masterclass Refund Policy

There are NO refunds offered for the product on this page. Every sale is final, all information given about the product on this page is accurate to the best of our ability.

By continuing with your purchase you understand that you cannot get a refund for the first month of subscription or any future months once the payment has been processed.

You can cancel the payment anytime by reaching out to the support desk. Or you can cancel the subscription directly from the payment processor.

For example – if you purchase a monthly subscription today, you cannot get a refund.

If your subscription renews on the 8th day you cannot get a refund.

If you cancel your subscription lets say on the 29th day you will not be charged for the next 30 day cycle.

Please if you have any concerns reach out to the masterclass support.

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All Rights Reserved -Al Cheeseman – SocialPal Pro LTD
