How To Make Money Online Today:
Whether you have some or no experienced, you will make money online today (as long as you follow this properly and read my instructions).
I’m going to show you how ANYBODY can do it and 100% NO EXPERIENCE required.
The aim of this method is to get people to sign up to free opportunities, which you will be presenting them with a link, that is tracked and will pay you when they sign up.
By the time you have got to the bottom of this page, you could make your first $10, 20 JUST minutes later…
I’m not joking…
DO You think I would make a false promise like that on my official blog?
Of course not! 🙂
So here’s the crack:
Affiliate Marketing: Promoting or selling someone elses digital product in return for a commission.
All you have to do, is get somebody who is interested in a certain niche to click on your link and sign up to the free offer, for example lets use music.
You would go to a CPL (cost per lead) Network, which will have a ton of offers you can get a link for and start getting people to sign up to. In return you get paid typically anywhere from $1-$10 per lead (free sign up).
Its called lead generation, getting someone to click and signing up for free. The company then sends the person who signed up a paid offer and that’s why they are paying you per lead.
So here is how you can do this, I can guarantee if you can get someone who is interested in whatever offer it is you find, you will make money when they sign up by clicking your link for free.
Come on get to the good part…
From the top:
You sign up to a CPL (cost per lead) Network, they will pay you for getting visitors to land on a “free offer” or opportunity, when they sign up providing their details you get paid.
Who doesn’t like free stuff?
That’s the point, I am guaranteeing you will make money, people will sign up to your free stuff and it is usually no less than 1 in 3Â people sign up for free, as long as they are interested in the offer you are presenting them ( a fan of whatever offer you are presenting)
So pretty much you can be earning around ($1-3) per click to your offer link.
Still not sure what I mean by CPL offer, getting paid to get a lead (free signup) for someone else?
You know those offers that pop up in front of you, asking you to make money taking cash surveys?
Well, here is a load of them in the picture below, you can grab links for any niche/interest today and start posting them to sign ups and get paid.

If you go ahead and fill that out, somebody somewhere has made $2-5 Bucks!
As you can see in the picture tons of offers for people who are looking to make extra cash or rewards from surveys online.
Don’t worry, there are thousands of offers to choose from, ranging from any niche you could think of.
Here are a few of the BEST ones you should use if you want guaranteed payouts and reliability.
You can get started grabbing links for your offers by signing up to all or any of the networks above. Most of these Networks pay weekly and fortnightly, some will pay monthly.
Please note that sometimes they might want to talk to you or ask for a website you will be promoting on.
Just explain that you are new and have social media presence or enter your blog where it asks for “website adress”. They always like to see new people in the networks and you will get your very own manager you can ask for help!
Part 2
So now you have your offer, how do you get people who are interested to click on it?
A few ways you can earn right now once you have followed this whole page. Get people to fill out your CPL offers.
Got a bunch of friends that will fill this out? You get paid.
Own an Instagram/ any social media account ? You get paid
Generate a visitor targeted to any niche, You get paid
Get people to click a link, You get paid
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Blogger, Pinterest. You name it, you can post offer links there and generate free sign ups which will 100% make you money.
Remember all you have to do is simple, get a decent offer from one of the pay per lead networks and get someone who is likely to sign up, to sign up to it.
How You Can Make money online today with CPL offers examples:
 #1 You have an Instagram account and you post pictures about fitness.
You can get a link for a free offer based around fitness, present it to your Instagram followers by posting and if they sign up for the free offer, you get the payment.
#2 You have a Facebook page or Group
Simply grab a free offer targeted to the audience of the page or group from one of the CPL Network.
Make a good post and ask them to visit the link. If they trust and like you or the post, they will sign up because its free and like I said everybody signs up for free if they are interested in what it is.
#3 You have a blog or forum which has people visit
You can write or copy articles that are warming up or talking about the free offer you are about to get them to click. Once again if they read your blog or forum post and enjoy it, they will click the link and most likely sign up.
#4 You can chat to people online
You can engage with people and send links on a chat service just like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Gmail. Talk to them and eventually get them to click your free offer, this may take a little bit of practice.
Free Traffic Methods Here On Next Page
How easy is that, and its NO BullSh!
As i just showed you in part 1 a list of pay per lead offers that you can go and get the links for right now, for any niche or interest you want.
But, do you want to know the secret behind how you can get people to fill these offers out over and over again?
Getting them to sign up to you for free, before sending them to the free offer.
So now we are going to get a bit complicated here, only move onto this bit if you FULLY UNDERSTAND part 1 and 2.
Otherwise you will get lost and may struggle with the bigger steps.
Though if you are confident and understand then lets get going.
10x Your profits online by capturing the lead for yourself and sending them emails for CPL offers and get paid over and over again.
Get your own subscriber list so that you can send email broadcasts and powerful auto-responders. The way to 10x your profits is to build your own subscriber list, you can send them free offers they can sign up to over and over again.
You lose so much money by not capturing the lead for yourself. Obviously you get paid for them signing up to the CPL offer, but why not capture the lead yourself first, then redirect them to the CPL offer?
This means you get paid when they sign up for the CPL offer. Using something we call a thank you page. We then send them auto-responder emails or manual emails sending them free stuff and feel good emails, getting them to sign up to more and more offers.
The thank you page which is where the visitor goes once they sign up to your opt in page, we can get them to sign up to the CPL offer once they have subscribed to us.
We can then proceed to send them daily emails of more free oportunities to opt in for.
How can you set this up?
Okay so its sounds complicated but its not. Simply grab a 30 day trial with the #1 email list provider which I currently use and make money from emails every day.
Watch this quick video to see how you can build your own email list, its very straight forward and worth a watch,
Once you have got your free 30 days trial, sign in and proceed to making your first list.
Simply go to “create list” to get started, fill out the required details (from email, notifications email, address and opt in settings) all easy stuff.
Now you need to create a form, head over to forms and create your first one.
You’ll then be able to design a quick form, the best opt ins are giving away something for free. These landing pages are not the best at all for sign ups, if you want 50%+ opt in rates for free stuff then you need to get the best squeeze page builder. You can build these as a newbie in a drag and drop builder.
This is the sort of thing you can build….
It doesn’t look like much, but this one converted just under 50%.
They also have 300+ fully customizable templates for drag and drop building, there is nothing you can’t do. You can easily connect Aweber so that when they subscribe here, it sends the email contact to your Email list and onto your daily automatic emails. this is fully integrated in the #1 landing page builder.
I’ve generated over 10,000 leads using them and none of my pages have converted lower than 30%, there are a few guides lines to follow to get what I call the minimal opt in rate, remember this does also depend on your traffic.
Sending someone who likes motorbikes to a sports car signup page won’t convert as well as sending them to a motorbike offer.
Remember once they have subscribed to always send them to the paid offer as you want to get them whilst their hot.
Use the Thank you page (the page they go to after signup) to greet your new subscriber and send them to the CPL offer. If you can’t build a thank you page and are still using the Aweber sign up forms then just redirect them to your CPL offer after signup.
Now they are on your list!
Not only have they subscribed to the CPL offer, you can continue to send them more and more offers. So your 1 sign up you would provide for your CPL offer, you can now times that by 5/10/20x more just by sending them more CPL offers.
TIP: If you are paying for traffic, always look for CPL offers that suit your list sign up so you can redirect them there to compensate for your click cost when building your email list.
You would originally get around $1-10 for your one time CPL offer sign up.
Now you can get $10-100 or $20-200, in all honesty it is endless, as long as you can keep them on your list and filling out free offers, you will make money from them.
But How about 100x your subscriber profits?
I’m not done yet 😀
So, what I just showed you has now fast tracked you. The raw steps and tools you need to make money online today and it is possible to set up your email list as well the same day.
Okay I admit there is still a lot you can learn and I must stress you will not get rich over night, but you can start to make a profit online quite quickly.
It all depends on person to person, but with the right guidance and Mentorship you can easily make it happen.
It’s also possible to send your first email to one of your new subscribers and they will click and sign up to another CPL offer.
But what we now are going to do is send them to more commission offers, this time we will earn more money when they actually buy.
Anything from 50-100% profit from each sale, the best part about this is that there are a number of offers out there that have a monthly payment program, so you get paid commission every single month!
So lets just recap on how we made it to 100X our profits:
Visitors lands on our page, signs up to us and then signs up to the free offer lets say we earn $5 for that lead.
That lead then signs up to 10 offers over a months span, we then have $50
Lets say we can get that original lead to also buy a $70 product at 50% commission and they are required to pay every month.
Lets say they stay for an average of 3 months:
That’s 50% commission at $70 X 3 Plus $50 odd bucks for lead sign ups.
We now have made $260 on our original sign up, who opted in to our mailing list, filled out a bunch of offers we emailed them. Then over the month and then eventually trusted us they bought a monthly product and we earned 50% recurring commission.
It might be a little to late to mention that some CPL programs will give you commission when a sale is made as well.
This won’t be for every subscriber, but don’t forget your hard work or traffic cost is compensated by the free CPL offer sign ups which is impossible to not make money from as like I always say, its impossible to not get anyone to sign up to a free offer.
So there you have it, I said i’d keep it as short as possible showing you the outlined steps and exactly how you can make money online today.
Follow step 1 and step 2 very carefully if you are a newbie, its easy to get people to fill out CPL offers online! If you want to know how you can really scale this up and get access to everything you need, then you need to join the #1 Affiliate Marketing Course.
Thanks for taking your time to read this guide, if you didn’t know much about making money online I hope this was a real inspiration to you.
For those who are a little bit more familiar with it I hope there was some value here for you aswell!