3 Secrets For Traffic Online
Hi everyone, in this short read blog post I will give you 3 ways to get killer traffic online.
So let’s jump right in.
Traffic Method #1:

Collaborate with other people.
For some reason, this has been a very unspoken topic when it comes to getting free traffic online. It is actually the most successful way, to get free traffic. It is used in all kinds of industries, lets use music as an example.
You ever see your favourite artist, release a song “featuring” another artist you’ve never hear of? Now all of a sudden you like their music and listen to them…
Well, there you go, this is the secret for a flood of free traffic! Network with people in your industry and ask them if they want to do a “Vlog” or a “training video” with you. You then share it to both of your followers and ultimately now grow off each other!
Perhaps you could even do a product together, putting both your skills into one. Then releasing it to each of your audiences and boom… free traffic for both of you!
Traffic Method #2:

Setting up a referral reward for people who share your content. This Is without doubt one of the most powerful ways to get tons of free traffic back to your website.
This can be as a simple as a plugin on your website so that the user can “share” and unlock a prize, like an E-book or something.
You’ll be surprised how easy this is. For the more advanced marketers reading this post, you could offer commission on a product or even a commission per lead.
Traffic Method #3:

Share Blasters – Softwares which repost viral content and share your content on a large number of platforms.
This is one of the best ways to get autopilot traffic back to your links/websites. You simply create and connect 10 different social media accounts, the software will find the best content and repost them with your caption straight to all of these feeds.
You can expect to get 30-100 clicks a day on your website, just from these softwares which take a short amount of time to set up!
My favourite of this type of software is Tripple Traffic Bots!
Remember, its all about the “snowball” effect when it comes to generating traffic. Once you set up streams of traffic they will all build up!
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More on this topic available here.https://alcheeseman.com/2019/10/5-ways-to-get-free-traffic